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Glock 43 vs Sig P365

Glock 43 vs Sig P365


Choosing between these two guns is like trying to pick your favorite child. It's practically impossible. Now, just like with your 2 children, there are many differences within these two firearms and that is what we are going to dive into in this article. We know that there are many other sub-compact firearms that can go toe to toe with either of these two, but for now, we are just going to focus on the G43 and P365. 

This is going to be just like sitting at a tennis match and watching 2 greats going at it all day. There is going to be a lot of turning heads here unless you're just a fanboy of either one.

turning heads


Let's start with comparing them side by side. 

 Glock 43 vs sig p365

Glock 43 Specs:

  • Caliber: 9×19 (9mm)
  • Barrel: Length 3.39”
  • Width: 1.02”
  • Overall Length: 6.26"
  • Height: 4.25”
  • Capacity 6 + 1
  • Weight: 17.95oz. (w/empty magazine)

P365 Specs:

  • Caliber: 9×19 (9mm)
  • Barrel Length 3.10"
  • Width1.00"
  • Total Length 5.80"
  • Height 4.30"
  • Capacity 10 + 1
  • Weight 17.8 oz. (w/empty magazine)



    Round Count

    These are the factory, out of the box specs. Now, to all the Glock fans out there, let us address the elephant in the room... the extra 4 rounds that the Sig Sauer P365 offers. We know that there are many aftermarket extended magazines and baseplates that can make the G43 more competitive in this area. With that being said, we are talking about "out of the box" comparisons. The obvious winner here is the P365.



    As you can see in the specs above, the Glock 43 is a tad wider and taller. It's not by much but that extra mass does give you more meat to hold on to. I am a bigger guy and naturally have bigger hands than most but I like to think that I speak for many out there when it comes to micro-compact guns. They are great for concealment but not so easy to properly obtain a good grasp on them. 


    The Glock 43 has a wider and longer grip which gives me more area to hold compared to the P365. This is somewhat mystical at first given the P365 magazine is wider than the G43 mag. After closer observation, you can see that the walls of the Sig Sauer grip are a bit thinner which makes up for the beefier mag. Both magazines are double stacked even though the Glock mag resembles that more of a single stack.

    Glock 43 vs P365

    The angle of the grip is more pronounced on the Glock 43. When Gaston Glock designed the Glock 17, he gave it a grip angle of ~22* of off square. As I place my G43 on top of the G17 I can see that they share the same grip angle. The P365 grip is less drastic but not by much. They both fit my hand well. At the end of the day, it just comes down to personal preference.   

    Glock Grip Angle

    Magazine Release and Slide Stop

    These two concealed carry pistols have pronounced mag releases. They are easy to get to but keep a good hold on the mag until they are pressed intentionally. The Sig Sauer does have more of a deliberate release. The mag practically jumps out of the grip with good force when the button is pressed. 


    The slide stop on the Sig is more pronounced than the G43. This is no surprise due to Glocks design of this often misunderstood control. Many people use it as a slide release when in all purposes, it is a slide stop. Most gun manufacturers intent of releasing the slide is done by using your reaction hand and pointing your thumb towards your chest and grabbing the slide between your thumb and all four fingers. Then you forcefully pull the slide to the rear and release. 


    Though many people use aftermarket slide stops that are much more pronounced and use them as slide releases, it just comes down to how you train. That is a whole new topic for another day. Either way, if you intend to use your thumb to release the slide on your carry gun, your best bet will be the P365.


    If you are a left-handed shooter you may be out of luck. Neither of these guns has ambidextrous controls. 



    These triggers on these 2 guns feel very good but there are some minor differences that can make a world of difference to those who take their triggers super seriously. There are people on blogs that report the trigger pull on the P365 to be close to 6 lbs. I think this is fairly accurate due to the fact that my Sig has a slightly heavier pull than my Glock trigger which comes in at 5.5 lbs.

     P365 Trigger

    The Sig's trigger has more of a rolling feeling to it. This means it has the initial take-up, creeps and then rolls through the break. The Glock has a more crisp break. It starts with its initial take-up, creeps a bit, hits the wall then breaks. This too just comes down to end-user preference. I think they both have great triggers for the overall size and weight of these two guns. 

     Glock 43 Trigger

    Aftermarket triggers are very popular and why shouldn't they be? A more pronounced break with less weight and a good reset can make a huge difference with initial and follow up shots. As you may know, Glock owners have the luxury of readily available aftermarket parts and accessories. This is what makes Glock so popular in the gun world. They are the Chevy 350 engines of the gun industry. 


    More and more aftermarket trigger manufacturers are producing triggers for the Sig P365. Will there ever be more of anything for any other gun manufacturer than Glock? Not anytime soon. With that being said, there is an aftermarket trigger for both of these guns. 



    The Sig P365 comes with Xray3 Day Night Sights. This is a major win for Sig since we all know that factory sights are the first things to go on a Glock... any Glock. With so many accessories out there, it's fairly easy to swap out the sights on your Glock. But again, we are talking about factory, out of the box, guns here. 


    Other Features


    Both guns have rear factory slide serrations. The Sig has slide serrations not only at the rear of the slide but at the front as well. This works for all you press-check junkies out there, me included. 

     Sig Front Serrations

    The Sig also comes with an accessory rail. It's not a Picatinny rail but there are some rail adapters that allow you to add one if needed for Weapon Mounted Lights. The Glock 43 can take some weapon lights as well without a Picatinny rail. Streamlight makes the TLR-6 WML for the G43. Crimson Trace also makes WML's for the G43.

    No external safety on the P365! Yep, you read correctly. None for your fingers to fumble upon and slow you down. The Glock 43 does have a safety on the trigger. they call it the "Safe Action Trigger" and it works well. You have to deliberately pull the trigger to disengage it making it simple and quick while still keeping your gun safe.

     Glock 43 vs Sig P365

    At the end of the day, Bothe the Glock 43 and Sig P365 are great for everyday concealed carry. As I said at the beginning of this article, you can't really go wrong with either. Both are great guns by exceptional manufacturers. 



    Rene Aguirre

    Rene Aguirre is the founder and owner of Bravo Concealment. Rene has been carrying concealed on a daily basis for over 8 years and has been a CHL (concealed handgun license) holder for more than 20 years. Finding a high interest in firearms for many years, Rene started Bravo because of the “lack of” a good concealed carry holster on the market.

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    • The sig is great, Here’s the problem, I can’t find one to buy! I searched your site and when I enter Sig P365 a ton of military rifle info cones up. My issue is , with cancer, by the time one can be found, I won’t be. All I want is info on when a sig p365 .s will be available to buy!

      David Stockdill Sep 22, 2020
    • WHEN…the P365 has the PROVEN record of ‘a’ Glock…virtually ANY Glock, then I’ll pick “mine” up. Granted, I was very close on a 365 with a BOD of Jan ‘2019. Decided against it as I was checking serial #’s and STILL they were dealing with the ‘odd’ broken strikers. Don’t get me wrong, I LIKE SIG, I have a P938…really like it. But I choose to carry a Glock 43 BECAUSE they just plain work, and that’s all the argument I need. I will, eventually pick up a 365 but only after Sig is through ‘letting the market work out the bugs). And to ME, that’s unfortunately a fail…

      Mark H Jul 30, 2019
    • Like your new Torsion holster. Would like to buy one if you had it for Glock 30 Gen 4 left handed. Tnx. Love your holsters for my 1911.

      Glenn Jul 29, 2019
    • There is basically no comparison. Glock has been making the same thing for 20 years with little innovation. Everything about the 365 is innovative. The removable chassis, the 1.5 stack mag, the texture….. About the only thing on the Glock’s side is the design is 20 years proven. Glock perfection starts with the aftermarket and the 365 is good to go out of the box.

      DAC45 Jul 29, 2019
    • If you prefer the Glocks larger grip, just put the 12 rd mag in the Sig. The sizes remain comparable, and 12+1 in a sub compact is incredible.
      Texturing of grip and mag is also superior to the Glock. That seems to make a big difference in my ability to shoot them. Throw in the excellent X-ray sights and the Sig was a clear winner for me.

      David Jul 29, 2019

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