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The Reducing X Drill

I think it goes without saying that I really like shooting steel targets. This drill is being done on a plate rack. I call the drill "Reducing X" because the pattern being shot is always in an X that gets tighter as you work towards the middle of the plate rack. Taking your shot, finding the next target, and dropping your sights on it are all things that require practice. I know that right now ammo is at a premium. I get it! I don't get ammo for free so I'm in the same dilemma you are. However, if you carry a gun you must practice. Moving targets are best but in their absence I'll settle for targets that are reactive to my shots. These types of plate racks do a good job of forcing you out of your comfort zone and increasing your accuracy.

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Abner Miranda Is a former Police Officer, an FBI trained Hostage Negotiator, a First Responder, and Spanish Interpreter. He is currently a Firearms Instructor, an Armorer, and a regular contributor to our industry of both written and digital media.

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