Hot or Not: Should You Carry with a Loaded Chamber?
Whether or not to carry with a loaded chamber is a frequent debate in concealed carry circles, especially ...
Load It Like An AK-47
There is no substitute for excellence. https://www....
For Gun and Violence Facts, Look Beyond the News
One of my hobbies is recording instances of when the federal alphabet agencies (often the Department of Ju...
Gun Cleaning Products
The season of giving is here. One thing’s for sure, every gun owner can use gun cleaning supplies. Here ar...
CQC Accuracy Is Loose And Fast
This is a rather self explanatory video but it need...
“if I ever draw my gun on someone, I’ll be shooting.”
The title of this article was my own erroneous belief when I began carrying concealed well over a decade a...
Clothing selection for inside waistband carry
Transitioning from off-body carry, or not carrying at all, to inside-waistband carry is a big change. Near...
Three Ready-Gun Positions You Should Know
The gun in your hands should be held both safely and ready for action. If you’re practicing on an open ra...
Walk That Walk: 12 Rules for Gun Life
Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson is quite well-known for his stance on political correctness. He’s po...
Pro Tip: Modding The Take Down Lever & Accelerator Cuts
It's no secret I'm a major Glock fan. However, ther...
Shadow Systems The Ultimate Carry Handgun
Recently, I had the chance to hear from Trevor Roe, a record-setting USPSA shooter and former infantryman ...
You Need To Shoot Faster!
The notion that one needs to "shoot faster" is an i...