Why Concealed Carry At Church Matters
I know that this is going to be a sore subject for some of you because you've endured a lot of verbal abuse from fri...
Concealed Carry Competence: Learn To Stop Blood Loss
If you’re reading this blog right now, chances are you’re already dedicated to responsible concealed carry, with your...
Working Barriers The Right Way
Working from cover is one of those things that we consistently see demonstrated incorrectly. When I say we I mean ev...
Investing Rather Than Spending on Training
If we treat training with the same level of importance that we treat sports or vacationing or anyone of our other ho...
The Importance Of A Gun Holster
Why Use a Holster? By Jeff Gonzales If you’ve been around the gun industry for any length of time you will see trends, patterns that repeat themselves. I have to shake my head at some of them and one that rubs me the wrong way is when folks question using a good, quality holster.
The Tactical Manicure
Clip those claws before training - here's why. Tier 1 Citizen exclusively uses Bravo Concealment Holsters. There is ...
One Hand Malfunction Reduction
I've had a lot of injured shooter training. As such I've worked out the simplest way to deal with the majority of is...
The Best Way To Choose Your Next Concealed Carry Gun
The five-point plan for choosing your next concealed carry gun When the good folks at Bravo Concealment asked me to address the topic of “best concealed carry guns,” they were probably expecting a list that recommended specific guns. But I’m not going to tell you about my latest favorite Glockamole Gen X, the Kim Wesson 40-plus, or the Sigfield K-YA.
Range Practice With Your Handgun And Rifle - Stay Relevant
Why Staying Current Matters It's important to have a balance to your training time. Even though I focus almost exclu...
Load When You Want To
Load when you want to, not when you have to. That is a "Dave-ism" that I picked up from Dave Spaulding. Basically ...
How To Train With Your Gun From Home
Here are five alternatives to make you a better student of the gun and defensive shooting, which you can practice from the comfort of home.
The Eyes Aim The Hands
It's kind of frightening that after 59 classes some of this stuff has just now become truly crystal clear for me. Ju...