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Last Man Standing
November 15, 2016

Last Man Standing

As difficult as it is to say, there may come a time when you may have to get on the gas and leave an area when you see trouble coming. I decided a long time ago that if I was already in a venue and something got started I would do something about it, if possible. My training has opened my eyes and helped me temper my planned response to an attack.

Support/Guard Hand Training with Instructor Zero
November 1, 2016

Support/Guard Hand Training with Instructor Zero

Instructor Zero explains and demonstrates how important it is to train your support/guard hand.

The “Why” Behind the SNS-R
November 1, 2016

The “Why” Behind the SNS-R

Most think that SNS-R stands for Shoot-N-Scoot Rig. Nope, that’s just the catchy name I gave it. What those letters really stand for are Sympathetic Nervous System Rig.

Why I Train With Steel
October 14, 2016

Why I Train With Steel

The other way in which I use steel is with the aforementioned Challenge Targets 6” Pistol Plates. These are 1/4” AR500 steel and are rated for pistol use only. While this limits their use they’re actually a lot more useful, to me, than heavy static target systems.

October 3, 2016


This is how it normally goes in training. The instructor would create a malfunction and the shooter would fail to release the rifle and transition to their pistol. Why? Because they were caught in what I refer to as vapor lock. It’s an automotive term look it up. 

Our New Contributor
September 15, 2016

Our New Contributor

Daniel is a great asset for us and will provide his expertise as an author, podcaster, gun writer, Cabela's Pro Staff and Editor at Funker Tactical. So please follow and like all of Daniel's social media channels for all his great content in the past, present, and future. 

Working From Cover
September 15, 2016

Working From Cover

When I first saw the video of the DART officer being engaged at the pillar I said “that dude’s about to get...killed!” I saw it coming because I’ve trained extensively on how to work from cover.

Pack Light, Train Heavy
September 1, 2016

Pack Light, Train Heavy

I want you to keep in mind that if you’re spending the money for weapons and ammo, hotel, food, time off work, wear and tear on your vehicle...why wouldn’t you spend money on good support gear?

Change Those Batteries
August 15, 2016

Change Those Batteries

When I first started shooting rifles, many years ago, red dots were very expensive. So by sheer default I learned how to shoot iron sites, quite well I might add. For those who’ve recently entered our industry, you need to understand that red dot optics are a very new thing.

Instructor Zero - Tactical Carbine Brain Process Drill
August 1, 2016

Instructor Zero - Tactical Carbine Brain Process Drill

Instructor Zero is pushing his personal limitations by running drills that test Muscle Memory vs. Cognitive Function.

Vehicle Defense Basics
July 15, 2016

Vehicle Defense Basics

I also thought I knew how to handle firearms in tight confines and found otherwise. As is the case with most things that fascinate you, once you get a taste for learning something new you know you’re going in with both feet.

June 30, 2016


It’s sometime in the distant future. Technology has helped us immensely in every walk of life, except for one…criminals are still criminals.

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